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Our Hosts.., their homes and studios

Iraa at Buuka in Buloba hosted by Njabala Foundation
Iraa session hosted by Stacey Gillian

Stacey, Immy, Sheila (left to right) Kitchen @thegranary session3 image credit: Raisa Galofre.

The artist Stacey Abe Gillian hosted us to a wonderful cook together session at her beautiful home in Kawuku Entebbe. Kitchen @the Granary 3. As we embark on building archives of our beings what is relevant. 

Kitchen @thegranary session2 held at BUUKA space and supported by Njabala foundation. image credit: Royal Kenogo

Buuka Space run by artist Sandra Suubi during Kitchen @the Granary 2 on the theme of REST.

Iraa session hosted by Pamela Enyonu

Kitchen @thegranary session4 guests engage with Pamela's works in progress image credit: Rumanzi Canon.

Stout-hearted artist Pamela Enyonu opened up her home and studio to a potluck day filled with an abundance of food and delving into the theme; The memory of sound, Kitchen @the Granary4

Iraa session hosted by Immy Mali

Blaqshuga, Ian, Ruganzu, Birungi, Suubi during tea discussions image credit: Martha Kazungu.

Artist and co-founder of Iraa-the Granary Immy Mali hosted us at her apartment and kitchen to a tea under the theme Building and Shakeup. Kitchen @theGranary5. 

Iraa session hosted by Andrea Stultiens, Nathan Omiel at Uganda Christian University Mukono
Iraa session hosted by Linda Mutesi

Kaddu Wasswa, Andrea, Joan, Nantume, Nathan, Fred, Pamela at Ham Mukasa's Kewirimide house. image credit: Jim Joel

Artist, lecturer and researcher Andrea Stultiens, Researcher Kaddu Wasswa and fashion designer/lecturer Nathan Omiel invited Iraa-the Granary to interact with the exhibition Beyond Memories at UCU Ham Mukasa Library under the theme: Responding to a contested past in and through artistic practice. Kitchen @theGranary6. 

Iraa session hosted  by Bruno Ruganzu

Artist Ruganzu Bruno and wife Grace Twizere at   Ecoart Uganda,  home to Ubuntu A.I.R, Kitukutwe, Kira Wakiso. Image credit: Hype Media Uganda 

The artist Ruganzu Bruno is best known for his environmentally cautious as well as community based practice which is evident at Ecoart Uganda and UBUNTU A.I.R. He hosted us to a brilliant session on Creating from indigenous Knowledges during the 8th Kitchen @the Granary session. An array of images on his practice can be accessed via his instagram handle @ruganzubruno

Good Grace, Mona T, Mona O, Letaru, Immy, Liz, Suubi, Birungi, Linda, Violet at Lunch. image credit: Dora

There are things that can only be dealt with collectively and such is mourning and grief. Linda Mutesi a lawyer, feminist and art enthusiast invited us to engage with modes of collective grief through the lenses of 2 incredible South African Artists, Gabrielle Goliath and Nondomisu Msimanga... it was a day of extreme care, love and sharing. Kitchen@the Granary7 themed, Something you just can't get past.

Iraa session hosted by Dr. Kyeyune George

Associate Prof George Kyeyune, Joakim Ogwado, Immy Mali, Jackson Kalisa, Theresa Musoke, Sandra Suubi Image credit: Hype Media Uganda 

Associate Prof. George Kyeyune has and continues to teach generations of artists at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial  and Fine Arts, Makerere University Uganda. We are thrilled to have been hosted at his home to commune over Modern Art in Uganda in relation to research he is carrying out in collaboration with East African Museum of Art Nairobi EAMAN. Kitchen@the Granary9 themed "Do not copy, copying puts God to sleep"_ Elimu Njau


Sanaa Gateja holds backcloth piece made by one of his women assistants in Namutamba. image credit: Hype Media Uganda

Artist,  Sanaa Gateja hosted  the very 1st Food Basket session. He invited us to interact with his community of artist assistants, tree growers, rotary club members, and an eco-system that greatly supports his art practice. 17.02.2024 Namutamba
Follow him on instagram @sanaagateja-official.

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